Welham Green

13.1 Welham Green is one of four larger villages that fall into the third tier of settlement types, known as ‘Larger Excluded Villages’, as set out in Policy SP3: Settlement Hierarchy.

13.2 Welham Green is a sustainable locations for development in the borough, following the main towns, as a large village excluded (inset) from the Green Belt and offering a range of services and facilities, employment and good public transport connectivity, including a railway station.

Proposed changes to sites allocations at Welham Green

13.3 There were two sites proposed for allocation in the Draft Local Plan 2016 at Welham Green for 80 dwellings as part of a mixed use scheme (SDS7/WeG4b) and 12 (additional) Gypsy and Traveller pitches (HS35/GTLAA01).

13.4 There were 11 additional sites promoted at Welham Green for consideration by the Council and three of these sites are proposed for allocation (i.e. 5 sites in total with a combined capacity of 284 dwellings and 12 (additional) Gypsy and Traveller Pitches).

13.5 The consultation sites section indicates the additional sites that are proposed for allocation. The map below illustrates all the sites proposed for allocation along with proposed changes to the Green Belt boundary. These changes are now the subject of this consultation.

13.6 For information, the implications of the proposed changes for the Draft Local Plan site allocation policy relating to this settlement are shown on the following pages, including the site specific policy requirements. These requirements complement the other policies set out in the plan to ensure that any site specific requirements are properly planned for. This does not however form part of the current consultation. Changes to the policy, if agreed by the Inspector following the relevant hearing sessions, will be subject to consultation at Modification stage.
