AGM 2025 Announced and Newsletter Published

The February 2025 Newsletter No.1 has been published. Click here to read.

2025 Subscriptions are now due.

Subscriptions for 2025 are now due. Please click here to renew your membership (or to join) now.

Local Plan Maps and Slides

Maps of our local area affected by the Local Plan can be found here along with some interesting slides explaining the “bigger picture”.

London Set To Lose 75 Square Miles Of Its Local Countryside

Results published from latest research by the London Green Belt Council – read it in full here

BrP12: Another major planning application - Bradmore Way/Peplins Way

Submit your objection now – read how in our April 2022 Newsletter here.

UNDER THREAT in the proposed Local Plan

250 dwellings west of Brookmans Park,
view looking west to Brick Kiln Wood (Site HS22/BrP4)

UNDER THREAT in the proposed Local Plan

100 dwellings south of Hawkshead Road, Little Heath,
view from Hawkshead Road (Site HS24/BrP7)

UNDER THREAT in the proposed Local Plan

80 dwellings and B1 Business Park at Marshmoor, Welham Green,
view from Dixons Hill Road (Site SDS7/WeG4b)

Member subscriptions for 2025 are now due.

AGM Update

Minutes of the 44th Annual General Meeting.

Gary Mabbutt, President, welcomed local councillors, members and residents and our Speaker, Planning Consultant, Jed Griffiths.   After 44 years the Society still had a strong voice and at this time was in need of an even stronger voice to uphold the Green Belt.   He thanked the committee and asked anyone present who could assist in any way to come forward and join.   Help was always needed especially with the Local Plan at its present stage.   He urged members to use the website to keep up to date.

Update of Local Plan Consultation with Planning Consultant Jed Griffiths,MA Dip TP FRTPI

Jed explained that there had been six stages so far with the Inspector asking Council to supply sites for 16,000 dwellings.   The Council asked for sites to come forward and had 140 replies.   Representations were made, Councillors were lobbied with complaints of significant harm to Green Belt, strategic gaps decreased between settlements and environmental harm.   The Council is putting forward a plan for 14,000 dwellings.

At present most sites which would encircle Welham Green have gone.

WeG3a for 68 dwellings (access?) and WeG10 for 120 dwellings (surface water?) remain with Marshmoor for 80 dwellings (science park)

BrP 1 for 104 dwellings at Bell Bar makes a revision of the green belt (extension of Brookmans Park)   BrP 4 for 250-300 dwellings – against as good quality agricultural land, woodland and countryside gap.

LHe 4/5 is still in.   HS24 – members need to comment.

LHe3 – rejected by Council.

Jed urged everyone to respond to the Consultation either by email, on line or by letter.

A question and answer session followed.

The Chairman thanked Jed who was warmly applauded by the audience.   He reiterated that the community must respond to the document individually.   Local people can see what the issues are and it is important to show these. For instance the traffic problems at WeG10 and BrP1. We will provide information through our website.   There were 10,000 responses last year.   We need 10,000 again.

The President asked anyone who had pictures of local problems to let us have them.   He thanked everyone for coming and their questions and urged people to be proactive and join the committee.


The turn out was estimated to be between 120 and 140 members

Latest news on the Welwyn Hatfield Draft Local Plan Consultation

Consultation on proposed changes to the submitted Draft Plan 2016 (site allocations) 2020, the Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal and the updated Habitats Regulations Assessment 2020

The Welwyn Hatfield Draft Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in May 2017 and a number of Local Plan examination hearing sessions have been held to date. During the course of the examination, the Planning Inspector (Melvyn Middleton BA (Econ), DipMgmt MRTPI) has advised that the Plan, as submitted, does not provide sufficient housing development proposals to meet the objectively assessed need for housing in full and the Council has been asked to investigate if there is any scope for additional housing sites to be identified.

To assist with this, in January and February 2019, the Council carried out a Call for Sites. Over 140 sites were promoted for housing, employment, mixed use or other forms of development. The promoted sites were subject to consultation in May and June 2019 and over 10,000 responses were received. Subsequently, the Council has carried out further assessments informed by an extensive evidence base.

Following meetings of the Council’s Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel and The Cabinet in January 2020, the Council is now consulting on potential additional site allocations and other changes to site allocations in the Draft Local Plan 2016. Consultation is also being carried out on the Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal of the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan (February 2020), and the Habitats Regulations Assessment Updated HRA Report (February 2020).

Consultation is taking place over a six week period, commencing on Wednesday 19th February and ending at 5pm on Wednesday 1 April 2020.

The best way to view the consultation documents, and other supporting documents including the Representations Procedure is online via the consultation portal. Once on the portal, you will also be able to download documents, and submit comments online:

Alternatively, you can return your completed response form by email to or by post to: Planning Policy, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE.

Please use a separate form for each site or settlement you wish to make comments on and ensure that we receive your comments by 5pm on Wednesday 1 April 2020 as we cannot accept late comments.

During the consultation period, a copy the consultation documents and a number of supporting documents including the Representations Procedure will be available to view at the following locations during normal advertised opening hours. Copies of response forms will also be available at these locations.

  • The Council Offices: The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE. (Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8.45 – 17.15; Friday 08.45 – 16.45.
  • Librariesin Brookmans Park, Cuffley, Hatfield, Welwyn, and Welwyn Garden City (Campus West and Woodhall).
  • Parish and Town Council Offices: Hatfield Town Council, Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council, North Mymms Parish Council, Welwyn Parish Council, and Woolmer Green Parish Council. For Essendon Parish Council, Ayot St Lawrence, and Ayot St Peter Parish Meetings, no standard opening times apply and you are advised to contact the relevant Parish Clerk.





AGM Wednesday 26 February 2020

Chaired by our Honorary President Gary Mabbutt, MBE

The Annual General Meeting will be held on Wednesday 26 February 2020 at 8 pm in the North Mymms Memorial Hall, 36 Station Road, Welham Green.

Proceedings will include a Q&A session on latest developments on The Local Plan with our Planning Consultant, Jed Griffiths, MA DipTP FRTPI.

Please come along and support your local society.

If you need any further information regarding the AGM please contact

February 2020

Local Plan:  Some good news – but must keep up the pressure.

The Council is currently consulting on proposed changes to the Draft Local Plan.  The number of dwellings now being sought is increased from 12,000 to 14,025 in response to the Inspector’s demand to get nearer the target of 16,000.

 But there have been some positive changes in respect of the Green Belt:

  • All sites rated as high harm to the Green Belt have been removed from the Draft Plan
  • No new sites rated as moderate/high are proposed to be added to the Draft Plan.
  • There are two exceptions to the above – in Welwyn Garden City and Hatfield.

For our Parish this means:

The following sites have been withdrawn from the Draft Plan:

HS22 (BrP4) west of Brookmans Park railway station

HS24 (BrP7 south of Hawkshead Road

The following sites are now to be added in the Draft Plan:

BrP1/BrP35 (106 dwellings) in Bell Bar, west of the A1000

LHe4/5 (36 dwellings) in Little Heath, Studlands and Videne, Hawkshead Road

WeG10 (120 dwellings) in Welham Green, north of Dixons Hill Road

WeG1 (16 dwellings) Welham Manor, Welham Green

WeG3/3a (68 dwellings) land south of Welham Manor, West of Station Road, Welham Green

The following sites remain in the Draft Plan:

HS21 (BrP13) (14 dwellings) west of Golf Club Road, Brookmans Park

HS23 (BrP14) (10 dwellings) east of Golf Club Road, Brookmans Park

HS35 (12 caravan pitches) Dixons Hill Road, east of the railway line, Welham Green

SDS7 (92 dwellings and employment land) Marshmoor, Welham Green

HS25 (LHe1) (35 dwellings) north of Hawkshead Road, Little Heath

HS11 (120 dwellings and secondary school) New Barnfield

What Now?

  • Check out the consultation details on the Council’s website:
  • Come to our AGM to learn more
  • Please make your views known again. This will be your last chance to have your say.  Over ten thousand comments were submitted following the last consultation.  The outcome shows that your voices have had an effect in protecting our communities and the Green Belt
  • The closing date for responses is 22 March 2020


Our Green Belt Society has been in existence since 1976 and has around twelve hundred members who pay an annual subscription and make donations.  Thank you.  Without you we wouldn’t exist.  We have your support at public meetings and you are active in making representations in support of the Green Belt.  Again – thank you. 

But we need to draw on our membership in a more regular way; we need eyes and ears in the community and we need to strengthen our committee, which meets monthly, with two or three new members.  We particularly would like help with our website and communicating with members.  Can you join us?  If you are interested in a greater involvement in this aspect of your community, please get in touch either by speaking to a committee member at the AGM or through our website

Please also renew your membership if you haven’t done so already you can do this on the website here or download and print off the membership form here.

July 2019


Our Planning Consultant Jed Griffiths MA DipTP FRTPI, prepared on our behalf responses to the consultation document issued by Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council on the 7 May 2019.  To view our responses to those sites in North Mymms click here.  To view BrP17 Land east of Swanland Road and west of Warrengate Road click here.



Please note that the closing deadline date for objecting/commenting on the additional sites in the Local Plan has now been extended to Monday 24 June 9am.

Following the NMDGBS and Parish Council Meetings, the Welham Green residents formed an action group and distributed information to all houses in the Welham Green community on how to object to the Local Plan consultation.  To view their covering letter click here and to view the map click here.

Objection points are already shown below in the Welham Green and South Hatfield hand outs.


At the Public Meeting held on the 3 June, the following hand outs were given:  Brookmans Park and Bell Bar click here ; Little Heath and Swanley Bar click here and Welham Green and South Hatfield click here

Watch our website for further developments.


In response to the Council’s published details of their supplementary “Call for Sites” we are holding a Public Meeting on Monday, 3 June 2019 at 8pm at the United Reformed Church, Bluebridge Road, Brookmans Park.

If you feel passionate about protecting the area you live in then come along to the meeting where our Planning Consultant, Jed Griffiths, MA Dip TP FRTPI will update you on the Local Plan and answer questions.  REMEMBER Your support is important as once the fields that surround you have gone they will never return.

Please pass this information on to your neighbours as without the support of the community our voice will not be heard.  Look forward to seeing you on the 3rd June.




WHBC have published details of the response to their supplementary “Call for Sites” to make up the shortfall in the housing numbers in the draft local plan.

Over 140 new and re-promoted sites have been put forward in our Borough.

42 of these sites are in North Mymms with suggestions for over 3,000 dwellings plus further employment land and a primary school.

The Council has opened up a Consultation on these proposals with a closing deadline of 5pm on Tuesday 18 June.

The consultation documents and guidance notes for making a representation can be viewed by clicking here.

The Society has previously commented on those sites which were promoted at earlier stages of the Local Plan process but we will be commenting in detail on all of the sites now proposed within North Mymms.

We will also comment on the overall impact on the Green Belt in the Borough.

The Council will be carrying out both individual and cumulative analysis of the sites.  It is unhelpful that the analysis is not available during the consultation period.

Whilst these are only proposals they are a frightening indication of the fragility of our precious Green Belt and the fierce desire of local developers.

We shall be holding a Public Meeting on Monday 3 June to give members an opportunity to voice their views.  Further details will be communicated shortly.


Volunteer social media editor and webmaster wanted.

Local green belt society looking to boost on line presence.

Are you a local student or young professional looking for voluntary work experience as a website and social media editor?  Do you know how to send out compelling updates on Twitter and Facebook?  Do you have an interest in the local environment?

If so, the North Mymms District Green Belt Society (NMDGBS) would like to hear from you.

The NMDGBS has around a thousand members, and currently communicates through regular newsletters which drop through local doors. The society also has a website where updates are posted from time to time.  But the NMDGBS doesn’t have a social media presence, and the society would like to start sharing its updates on both Twitter and Facebook.

The position is voluntary and the hours flexible. You would be expected to be able to set up a Facebook page for the NMDGBS and manage both the updates, new members, and any comments, working closely with society members who would produce the content updates and act as a second pair of eyes for everything produced.

You would also be expected to help set up a Twitter presence @NMDGBS and produce updated tweets when requested. And you would be required to monitor responses and feed those back to the Society’s committee.

Anyone interested should contact the secretary on



The Society’s AGM was held in the North Mymms Memorial Hall on Monday 25th March and  was presided over by our President, Gary Mabbutt, MBE.

The meeting approved the Chairman’s report and the Annual Accounts.

Answering questions on his report, Chairman, again asked for interested members to consider joining the Committee. He acknowledged that the Society sometimes struggled with communications and said that the Society would be advertising for a volunteer to develop social media communications and the web site.

The Society’s planning advisor, Jed Griffiths, MA DipTP FRTPI, gave an update on the Local Plan and answered questions.

The Council officers had been overwhelmed by the response to their new call for sites in January. As well as 79 sites being re-submitted, 65 new sites had been offered. It had been impossible for the officers to carry out the required appraisals in the time available and a new timetable had now been agreed. The identity of the sites would not be revealed until after the local elections in May when there will be a public consultation. Officers would present the outcomes to the Council in September; the public examination sessions with the Inspector would take place in December with a view to the Plan being adopted in Spring 2020. The Society would respond to the consultation once the identity of the new sites had been published.

Guest Speaker

The guest speaker at the AGM was Professor David Church, Deputy Principal of the Royal Veterinary College.

Professor Church gave an overview of the College’s work, its reputation as, now, the number one Vet College in the world and the plans for new facilities at the Hawkshead Campus in accordance with the development Master Plan approved recently by the Council. He also outlined the extent of the College’s local land ownership and spoke about the land that had been put forward to the Council for development in the Local Plan.

Responding in a lively question session, Professor Church confirmed that the College is not relying on the proceeds of land sales to fund the improvements at Hawkshead Lane Campus and that the lands of Boltons Farm are required long term for teaching and husbandry.

Gary Mabbutt thanked Professor Church for his excellent presentation which was warmly applauded by the members.

The Society and the College will maintain a dialogue as the local plan process continues.



Our AGM Newsletters are out for delivery and should be coming through your letter boxes within the next week or so.  Please click here to view.

Subscriptions for 2019 are now due.    Please join or renew your annual subscription – details of payment are shown in our Newsletter.


As we went to print with our Newsletter, the Council Officers are reviewing the new sites and new timetable.  The 66 entirely new sites and 77 re-promoted new sites that were submitted far exceeded expectations, which means that it is not possible to conclude the intended consultation stage before pre-elections start on 26 March 2019.  This will result in a short delay to the agreed timetable, such that presentation of results and recommendations to members could take place in September 2019 and examination hearing sessions could take place in December 2019.

The Council has also received a letter from the Inspector asking them to consider a quicker timetable than the one they originally submitted to him.




AGM Monday 25 March 2019   8pm   North Mymms Memorial Hall, 36 Station Road, Welham Green

Please come and join us at our AGM which will be chaired by our Honorary President Gary Mabbutt MBE on the 25 March at 8 pm in the North Mymms Memorial Hall, 36 Station Road, Welham Green.  Proceedings will include a QandA session on latest developments on the Local Plan with our Planning consultant, Jed Griffiths, MA DipTP FRTPI.   This will be followed by a talk by Professor David Church, Deputy Principal, Royal Veterinary College.



Following a meeting of the Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel (CPPP) in mid-December, the Council decided that it need more development sites to be able to reach the housing target of 16,000.  It published a new timetable which envisages adoption of the plan in Spring 2020.  Click here to  view.



To view a Progress and Other Issues Report prepared by our Planning Consultant, Jed Griffiths click here


September 2018


As part of the Public Examination of the Local Plan, the Inspector, asked Welwyn Hatfield Council to carry out an additional review of the Green Belt in the Borough.

This Green Belt Review was published at the end of August with a very short window for comment until the 18 September.

Worryingly, the report assesses two locations in North Mymms – Swanley Bar and Bell Bar – as places where future development would cause only “moderate harm” to the Green Belt.

Click here to see our comments prepared by planning consultant Jed Griffiths on this crucial and disturbing report.

The Inspector has set aside Tuesday 6 and Wednesday 7 November for hearing sessions to discuss the Green Belt Review.  We shall attend with Jed Griffiths.

The Stage 6 hearing sessions, which will deal with the sites proposed in the Draft Plan, have been provisionally scheduled for week commencing 10 December.

The Green Belt Review is long and detailed and confusing.  If you want to delve further, you may find it helpful to look at the maps in the “Figures” volume and, in the “Appendices” volume, the sections on Sites 53 through to 83 which broadly cover the area from Bullens Geen to Little Heath.

You can access the Green Belt Review at

The Green Belt Review documents, towards the bottom of the page, are:

EX88A  Note to accompany Welwyn Hatfield Green Belt Study Stage 3

EX88B  Welwyn Hatfield Green Belt Study Stage 3 Main Report

EX88C  Welwyn Hatfield Green Belt Study Stage 3 Figures

EX88D  Welwyn Hatfield Green Belt Study Stage 3 Appendices


GENERAL DATA PROTECTION REGULATIONS –   effective from the 25 May 2018

As a member organisation we are required to advise our members about the information we collect and how it is used.  Please click here to view our Privacy Statement



The dates for Stage 4 of the Local Plan Examination have been announced:

Thursday 26 June – Thursday 28 June 2018

Friday 29 June – Reserve session

Please click here for further details.


AGM 2018 Follow Up

As promised in our AGM note below please click here to see Richard Knox-Johnston’s Power Point presentation highlighting his talk from that evening.

AGM 2018

Our AGM took place on 26 March which was presided over by our President, Gary Mabbutt MBE.

Amongst the 80 or so attendees were several local Parish, Borough an County Councillors.

The Officers and Committee Members were re-elected for a further year.

Our planning consultant, Jed Griffiths gave an up date on the progress of the public examination of the Local Plan.

The Stage 3 sessions on topic Specific and Development Management Policies were held in the WHBC Council Chamber on 20, 21 and 22 February.  The hearings can be viewed on the council’s webcasts by clicking .here.

The Stage 4 hearing sessions are scheduled to take place during weeks commencing 18 and 25 June.  Details of the programme and the Inspector’s matters an issues for these hearing sessions will be available after Easter.

According to the Programme Officer, the Inspector is aware that the new Green Belt Review will not be ready until the end of June and that it is likely to raise new issues relating to housing land supply.  He is prepared to hold additional hearings, probably in September, to consider those matters.

The Chairman of the London Green Belt Council, Richard Knox-Johnston, was the main guest speaker.  He spoke of the Green Belt not just as a protection against urban sprawl but as an important contributor to the well-being both physical and mental, of an urban-dwelling population.

Richard’s full talk will be on our website shortly.  Meanwhile you can find details of the London Green Belt Council (of which NMDGBS is a member) by clicking here.


We are very sad to report that our Vice President, Clive Bennett has died after a brave struggle against cancer.

Clive was a founder member of our Committee.  He was a passionate defender of the Green Belt in North Mymms with a wealth of local knowledge.  We shall miss him sorely.





As you are all aware the Local Plan Examination Hearings are well under way and we are now approaching Stage 3 of the Examination.  Following the Stage 2 Hearing please click here to view an interesting document prepared by The Inspector regarding the expansion of the WHBC Green Belt Review.

Stage  3 will be concerned with the topic-based policies in the Local Plan.  Please click here for details of the next hearing session.  However the main interest for our Parish will be in Stage 4, which will examine the site allocations.


To view a Progress and Other Issues Report prepared by our Planning Consultant, Jed Griffiths click here


LOCAL PLAN EXAMINATION HEARINGS   Stage 2  Overarching Strategy

24 to 27 October 2017  –  10.00 – 18.00

Council Chamber, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council Offices, Welwyn Garden City,  AL8 6AE

Please click here to view our Statement in response to questions raised by the Inspector.  Our Planning Consultant, Jed Griffiths, will be speaking on our behalf at these hearings.

Government issue a Planning Consultation white paper

This consultation seeks views on a number of changes to planning policy and legislation.  There are some alarming proposals including:

  • building most houses in the more unaffordable areas
  • capping authorities to no more than a 40% increase to existing plans – a possible 5,000 to 6,000 more homes on top of the 12,000 to 15,000 already in the plan

To read the whole paper click here

We shall be responding to the Consultation before the deadline of 9 November and will post our comments.  Members can respond individually using the response pro-forma included within the Consultation Paper.



Our September Newsletter will be coming through your doors shortly.  Please click here to view it.


The Public Examination of the Local Plan starts on 21 September continuing through the Autumn.  Mr Mel Middleton, the Appointed Inspector will test the Council’s draft Plan against legal requirements and consider comments and objections previously submitted.  Our Society will be represented at the sessions with the help of our Planning Consultant, Jed Griffiths.

Due to the complexity of the Local Plan and number of representations received the Inspector has organised the hearing sessions into four distinct sessions and full details concerning this are available in his Guidance Notes  at paras 19-28.  All the hearing sessions will take place in the Council Chamber at the Welwyn Hatfield Council Offices, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City AL6 6AE and will start at 10.00am.  Documents relevant to Stage 1 – Legal Soundness and Duty to Co-operate – of the hearing sessions are listed below:

  • EX06 Inspector’s Issues and Questions for Stage 1 of the Hearing Sessions click here
  • EX07 Inspector’s Guidance Notes click here
  • EX08 Draft Hearings programme V1 of the Examination in Public of the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan click here

Stage 2:  Overarching Strategy & Associated Polices is scheduled for 24 – 27 October and 1 – 3 November.  Details of the issues and questions for the hearing sessions in October and November will be sent out at the end of the first week of September.

Stage 2:  Topic Specific Policies and Stage 4: Settlement and Site Allocations  – dates to be announced.

This is a crucial stage of the Local Plan process.  The Inspector could recommend an increase in the Council’s target of 12,000 houses, if he feels that is insufficient.  The latest projections up to 2031, based on 2014 statistics, indicate a housing number requirement of 15,200.  Click  here to keep in touch with the progress of the Examination and scroll to the tab entitled ‘Latest News and Updates’









March 2017

Annual Subscriptions NOW DUE

Please note that your annual subscriptions are now overdue.  Details for payment are on our website under Membership.  Please check out our direct debit  payment methods.

Local Plan

The Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan has just completed a significant stage. On the 16 March the Council’s Cabinet Housing and Planning Panel considered the public responses to the Draft Plan published last Autumn. They approved the draft with no material changes and sent it to the full Council for approval and submission for public examination. Further details and what this means for North Mymms can be seen on our Local Plan page.

Recent Interesting Articles

See below link in the February edition of The Ecologist “Green Belt must not be sacrificed to unplanned housing