Consultation on proposed changes to the submitted Draft Plan 2016 (site allocations) 2020, the Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal and the updated Habitats Regulations Assessment 2020

The Welwyn Hatfield Draft Local Plan was submitted to the Secretary of State for examination in May 2017 and a number of Local Plan examination hearing sessions have been held to date. During the course of the examination, the Planning Inspector (Melvyn Middleton BA (Econ), DipMgmt MRTPI) has advised that the Plan, as submitted, does not provide sufficient housing development proposals to meet the objectively assessed need for housing in full and the Council has been asked to investigate if there is any scope for additional housing sites to be identified.

To assist with this, in January and February 2019, the Council carried out a Call for Sites. Over 140 sites were promoted for housing, employment, mixed use or other forms of development. The promoted sites were subject to consultation in May and June 2019 and over 10,000 responses were received. Subsequently, the Council has carried out further assessments informed by an extensive evidence base.

Following meetings of the Council’s Cabinet Planning and Parking Panel and The Cabinet in January 2020, the Council is now consulting on potential additional site allocations and other changes to site allocations in the Draft Local Plan 2016. Consultation is also being carried out on the Addendum to the Sustainability Appraisal of the Welwyn Hatfield Local Plan (February 2020), and the Habitats Regulations Assessment Updated HRA Report (February 2020).

Consultation is taking place over a six week period, commencing on Wednesday 19th February and ending at 5pm on Wednesday 1 April 2020.

The best way to view the consultation documents, and other supporting documents including the Representations Procedure is online via the consultation portal. Once on the portal, you will also be able to download documents, and submit comments online:

Alternatively, you can return your completed response form by email to or by post to: Planning Policy, Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council, The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE.

Please use a separate form for each site or settlement you wish to make comments on and ensure that we receive your comments by 5pm on Wednesday 1 April 2020 as we cannot accept late comments.

During the consultation period, a copy the consultation documents and a number of supporting documents including the Representations Procedure will be available to view at the following locations during normal advertised opening hours. Copies of response forms will also be available at these locations.

  • The Council Offices: The Campus, Welwyn Garden City, AL8 6AE. (Opening hours: Monday to Thursday 8.45 – 17.15; Friday 08.45 – 16.45.
  • Librariesin Brookmans Park, Cuffley, Hatfield, Welwyn, and Welwyn Garden City (Campus West and Woodhall).
  • Parish and Town Council Offices: Hatfield Town Council, Northaw and Cuffley Parish Council, North Mymms Parish Council, Welwyn Parish Council, and Woolmer Green Parish Council. For Essendon Parish Council, Ayot St Lawrence, and Ayot St Peter Parish Meetings, no standard opening times apply and you are advised to contact the relevant Parish Clerk.